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News Release: 50% of Millennials Would Let Their Mom Choose Their Date

For Immediate Release (North Carolina) June, 2020

50% of millennials would let their mom choose their date, while 92% would agree to it if the date were pre-paid. New dating site JustKibbitz marks the return of the yenta, inviting moms to do the matchmaking -with their children.

New Jewish dating site ​JustKibbitz has opened pre-signups for the platform, scheduled to launch mid-year.

The site brings a unique proposition to online dating, inviting moms and mother figures to matchmake for their loved ones. 

Having learned that some moms join regular dating sites undercover to find matches for their adult children, JustKibbitz Founder Jeffrey Kaplan realized that friends and family lack online space for matchmaking.

However, unsure of how millennials would embrace the idea, Kaplan and his team conducted thorough market research that provided some surprising insights.

“I would totally be on board,” said one of the respondents. “My mom knows me better than I know myself!”

Their research showed that 50% of millennials would be open to their mother choosing their date. If the date is pre-paid, that number rises to 92%.

“Another one of the respondents said that having their mom match for them would be like 'dating in [her] mom’s day',” said Kaplan. “That is when we realized that this is nothing truly new. In fact, this is how we’ve always met romantic matches – through friends and family.” 

According to Kaplan, the reason why most online dating platforms fail is because they're not designed to mimic the “traditional”, i.e. offline, dating behavior.

As such, they are proving to be inefficient for singles looking for committed relationships and even unsafe for their users. 

The latest stats show that on regular online dating platforms:

  • Less than one in five matches ever become a date

  • 60% of women have been sent unsolicited nude pictures 

  • 72% of users have blocked another user 

By introducing intermediaries in online dating, JustKibbitz expects to create a safe environment for its users and the daters.

“Because moms are involved, you know he’s going to be respectful,” said a research respondent. “If not, it’ll get back to his mom!”

Unlike other platforms, JustKibbitz relies on close personal acquaintances to matchmake based on the intimate understanding of their dater and act as a social filter that attracts only those looking for committed relationships. 

“We also expect that this will be a great platform for moms to have fun with their kids and among themselves!” Kaplan concluded. 

JustKibbitz, derived from the Yiddish word for chitchat -kibbitz-, translates the traditional way of dating to a fun platform where moms and mother figures can matchmake, mingle and set their adult children up on dates.

When launched, moms will be able to share the matches with the daters for approval, as well as plan and prepay for different types of dates including coffee, drinks and dinner.

JustKibbitz is now open for pre-signups.



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