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How to setup a date

So you and another user have matched, you get along great, and you think your kids should meet. Let's give them the nudge they need!

JustKibbitz invented the Redeemable Date. This means you and the other user can prepay for the date. We even have a patent on this feature, believe it or not.

The process takes a few minutes to learn, but once you get it, you'll be sending your loved one out on dates and left and right. But remember, consent is important. Let your loved one you are setting them up, you can even forward the profile of the person to your dater, first.

You must be an upgraded user to message and kibbitz.

Once everyone is on board, let's kibbitz! It works like this:

  1. Parent requests the Kibbitz (prepaid date)

    1. They can choose to pay for the whole thing or split it with the other user, and they can choose where the gift card is used

  2. The other parent accepts or rejects

  3. An email goes out to both daters with a unique code, the other person's contact information, and link to use the gift card

  4. Both daters must be present to use the gift card. The email generates a link they follow and each types in their unique code, and voila - the gift card appears

That's the short version. Below, we'll show you how it works with screen shots at each step of the way.

One of you, it doesn't matter who, has to initiate a "Kibbitz Request"

Request Kibbitz

The app searches what available Redeemable Date options exist between the two daters

You can choose a gift card and see how many Kibbitz credits each one costs.

No Kibbitz credits, no problem. Just purchase more right through the app.

With your credits loaded, you can split the cost of the date or pay for it all yourself.

While this "Kibbitz Request" is pending, you can cancel at anytime and continue to message with the other user.

The other user will have a notification of a "Kibbitz Request"

Remember, you must have an upgraded membership to Kibbitz.

Once you have that, you can accept or decline a request.

If you accept, an email goes right to your daters. If you decline, the request disappears.

Here's what your dater sees: description of the gift card, a unique code, and the contact information of who they are being set up with. The card onyl works when the two people are together. They'll hit the "Redeem" button and each enter their code.

That's it. The daters enter their code, the giftcard appears, and you get all the credit!

Remember, these are fun, low-key dates. No pressure, JustKibbitz.

If you need help with the Kibbitz process, email us at anytime at


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